2. Safe Practices to Help Protect Your and HHP’s Data

Safe Measures for Safeguarding Your and HHP’s Data

A data breach could prove catastrophic for any organization, particularly smaller ones like HHP, which may not be adequately equipped to handle such emerging threats. While cyber attacks orchestrated by hackers often grab headlines, did you know that employee errors can also result in data breaches? The following actions, detailed on the subsequent page, could lead to compromised data security:

  • Misplacement or theft of computer/mobile devices
  • Downloading malicious software onto an HHP computer
  • Engaging with phishing emails using your HHP email address This lesson will outline five precautionary steps you can implement daily to safeguard our organization’s data from falling into the wrong hands through a data breach!

Protecting HHP Data in Your Home Workspace

When stepping away from your desk while working on tasks involving sensitive business information, take precautions to prevent unauthorized access to HHP data by visitors or colleagues. Keep the following points in mind to maintain workspace security:

  • Lock your computer when away from your desk; consider setting up password protection.
  • Always tidy up after meetings to prevent sensitive files from being left exposed.
  • Promptly collect printed, copied, or faxed documents.
  • Ensure secure storage of sensitive HHP documents, whether digital or physical.
  • Stay vigilant of your surroundings.

Maintaining Data Inventory

While computers, mobile devices, and flash drives offer convenience in transferring or storing information, they also increase the risk of data falling into the wrong hands! Keep track of:

  • Stored information, its location, and who has access to it.
  • Include both digital and physical files containing sensitive HHP information in your inventory.
man using laptop on wooden table, screen shows wifi icon

Remaining Alert During Travel

Laptops and mobile devices are prone to loss and theft, making them prime targets for criminals. Exercise caution when accessing HHP systems in public places to prevent unauthorized viewing of your credentials. Follow these guidelines for accessing HHP data outside your home office:

  • Keep your mobile device with you at all times.
  • Avoid checking it in with baggage during travel.
  • Secure your laptop in the trunk of your vehicle when driving and take it with you upon arrival.
  • Refrain from storing passwords or backups on mobile devices.
  • Ensure HHP devices are secured or in your possession when away from your home office.

Recognizing Social Engineering

Social engineers gather information from various sources to extract data from their victims, akin to solving a puzzle. This includes information from social media profiles and other organizational data. Since individuals may not always be who they claim to be, always verify someone’s identity before divulging any information! If someone claiming to be a colleague requests information:

  • Call them back using their work number.
  • Send a code word or number to their HHP email address and ask them to provide it upon calling back.