5. Email Safety


As we covered in the previous lesson, attackers often send harmful links containing malware or phishing attempts via email. In this lesson, we will discuss the safety measures you can implement to protect yourself from cyber attacks while using email.

Before Logging In

Use a Secure and Trusted Connection

Before accessing your email on any device, ensure you are connected to a secure WiFi network. Avoid using public or open WiFi networks as they are frequently exploited by attackers to perform Man-in-the-Middle attacks.

Use Antivirus Software

Both Windows and Mac computers come with built-in antivirus software. Make sure to utilize these programs! Always scan email attachments with your antivirus software before downloading, even if the email appears to be from a known contact.

Utilize Your Spam Filter

Spam filters help keep unwanted emails out of your inbox and flag suspicious messages. Depending on your email service, some spam filters can automatically delete junk mail and block tracking bugs.

Key Practices Before Accessing Emails

  1. Secure WiFi Connection
  2. Antivirus Software
  3. Spam Filter

Handling Suspicious Emails

If you receive an email from an unknown sender, do not open it. If the email seems suspicious, it likely is. Mark it as spam or delete it immediately. Never open attachments from unexpected emails, as they often contain malware. If you must open an attachment, scan it with your antivirus software first.

red computer keyboard button with the words "get me out of here" written on it

Writing Emails

Avoid Sending Sensitive Information

Once an email is sent, you lose control over its content. Avoid including sensitive information such as bank account details, passwords, or social security numbers.

Never Interact with Spam Emails

Do not reply to, click on links within, or unsubscribe from spam emails. These actions confirm to the sender that your email is active, leading to more spam. Instead, move spam emails to your spam folder or delete them immediately.

Avoiding Unsolicited Bulk Emails

Unsolicited bulk emails can clutter your inbox and may contain phishing links or spyware.

  • Do not share your email address on untrusted websites.
  • Avoid posting your personal email address on public forums, social media, or your personal website.
  • Keep your personal email private, sharing it only with trusted contacts. Use a secondary email for public site registrations.
  • Refrain from using your personal email address for first-time purchases or sign-ups on new services.
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