NI Patient Advocacy Final Assessment

Now you have completed the Peer Advocate training modules, this final assessment is a way for you to prove your learning but also for you to begin to think about how you would employ your learning in a real-life situation.

The first part asks you to respond to a fictional scenario that you may meet  in your future work as a Peer Advocate.

The second part will ask you a series of questions that are drawn from the individual modules that you have already encountered.

To begin, below then is the name and brief background of a fictional client that we want you to imagine you have been matched with. We then want you to read each stage of the scenario below (three parts) and write down how you would respond to the situation presented and what actions/decisions you would make in your role as a Peer Advocate. The assessment is just about finding out how you would respond to the issues presented and how you would be able to apply your learning or training and how you would navigate the situation as it changes – whilst remembering your responsibilities as a Peer Advocate towards your client but also yourself. Do feel free to make direct reference to any training material content where and when you feel it is appropriate in your answers.

After you complete this content and submit your answers, the next stage will be a discussion with the Volunteer Coordinator about your responses and experience of the training generally before we move to the next phase of the programme – Meeting and matching with clients.