Help 250k+ People
Help Each Other with HHP

You’ve just been diagnosed with a medical condition. You are overwhelmed and desperately need accurate information. You need guidance on all the options available, but on the web, you find a sea of ads that leave you confused. This is where HHP’s IMPACT can help. You’ll find peer-to-peer data that can help you understand your condition and treatment options, combined with HHP’s Patient Education and Peer-to-Peer Navigation. Every donation is generously matched up to $25k by ChildLife Essentials!

Why donors support HHP

To advance integrative medicine on a global level and understanding for the need of patient advocacy and navigation.
– Anette

When facing a difficult health situation, we need information, education, and support. We need accurate, unbiased, user-friendly information to best deal with our health issues. We need access to education to be able to better understand and manage our conditions and how our healthcare system works (locally). We need support when we are vulnerable, to be shown the way, to be heard and to know our rights and all our treatment options. HHP IMPACT will solve the problem by providing information, education and support. Information is provided through our Shared Patient Information (SPI) Program. Education is provided through our Patient Education program and support is provided through HHP’s Peer-to-Peer Navigation. The combination of these elements empowers individuals to best understand and manage their health conditions.

$25,000 Funding Goal
$10Provides Shared Patient Information to 100 people>
$25Provides Peer-to-Peer support to 100 people>
$50Provides Peer-to-Peer support to 200 people>
$100Provides Patient Education to 10 People>
$200Provides Patient Education to 20 People>
$500Trains one HHP IMPACT Community Manager>
$1000Trains one HHP IMPACT Community Director>
$5000Completes SPI for one new condition>

Donations are 100% Secure & May be Tax Deductible

Our project is growing and we want you to be a part of it.
More People. More Information. Better Health.