Q: How do I take the HHP Challenge?
A: Visit www.humanhealthproject.org/challenge to sign up.
Q: Does it cost any money?
A: No, it’s free to sign up.
Q: How can I get people to donate?
A: Throughout your 50-day campaign, we will supply you with instructions on creating your personalized donation page, example emails to forward to your donor list, and encouraging emails to help you reach your goal.
Q: Can I just donate and not take the Challenge?
A: YES! Just click this link: https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/hhp2018/
Q: What if I don’t reach my $500 goal?
A: That’s ok, because every dollar helps, and we greatly appreciate your help.
Q: Is there a place where challengees can connect with each other?
A: We have a very active Facebook Group, which can be found at https://business.facebook.com/groups/HHP.Challenge/
Q: How can I quickly explain what HHP is all about?
A: HHP is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing free and unbiased information on health conditions, many of which are “invisible” or difficult to see and diagnose, to everyone around the world. We currently have information on Migraine, and are working on other illnesses. Unlike other health info sites, we aren’t influenced by shareholders or big pharma, so that is why we are asking people to take the HHP Challenge to raise $500 in 50 days.
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